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2017...swipe left.

Well it certainly has been a while since my last blog, My Conscious Vegan Holidaze, but life happens and goes on I suppose. Especially if its something you love.

I think we can all agree 2017 was a Six Flags rollercoaster we just couldn't get off of. From the sitcom presidency show down and Trump Era, to the horrors of mass shootings and rallies all over the world.

Believe me, half-way throughout the year I just didn't know how to handle everything and go about my life without feeling anxiety. But, that was just it. I had to learn to just go about my life and make an impact in my field to trickle amongst others.

The beginning of 2017 I devoted myself to a complete vegan lifestyle, from food to my clothes and personal hygiene products. Of course, with that being in mind, sustainable and conscious companies were the only choices on my radar. These choices were exciting for me because of my love for fashion and food could trickle down to many outlets. 

Animal Hope and WellnessCamp Run a MuttAlong the way I have got to meet some amazing people and brands who want to make a difference in every way possible. It makes it that more inspiring and beneficial when the people you surround yourself with have the same ideas and goals just like you. And i'm so glad to be in the vegan and sustainable LA community, because it makes me continue to make a difference everyday. I've got to do some wonderful fashion shows and benefits for animal rescue foundation, such as The Fair Trade Fashion ShowBead & ReelFree the Slaves. Being able to showcase fashion with wonderful causes makes it that much more enjoyable. Another cause I love doing every year is being the fashion show coordinator for . One of the most dear projects I love participating in, intertwining fair trade vegan fashion and raising awareness and money for organizations that truly help this world. Last year was for Free the Slaves, a non-profit fighting human trafficking and slavery around the world. The event raised over $31,000 to help benefit the organization for their continued efforts in human morality. 

Besides the wonderful I got help coordinate and produce, I got to join some great organizations as well. One of the first of them was Eco Sessions LA, a monthly panel event that educates and brings awareness of sustainable factors to our community. Some highlight events were Vegan Fashion Head-to-Toe, Innovation in Textiles, Sustainability x Fashion, and screening the impactful movie River Blue. Click on the link for more updates and our next event in Los Angeles.

With all these wonderful occurrence of events happening, unfortunately I experience a job loss last April. The company Fashion Business Incorporated was around over 20 years serving the fashion industry with the like of Nasty Gal, American Apparel, Apparel News, and much more. July 2017 was the closing of the company and it was on to the next. After 6 months of various free lance projects I finally got a lead from a friend I went to the Art Institute - Hollywood with. It's a fashion company called Farfetch, a fully online platform partnered with over 500 luxury boutiques. From countless hours of submitting resumes online, meeting with agencies and recruiters, and long nights of prayer. Let's just say i'm extremely happy and blessed to have found this customer brand advisor position and company that truly believes in their employees. 

Now, we have 2018 and it's time for continued progress and growth that started towards the end of 2017. It was almost this late transition was mean't to be, to start anew from the get go. 

Something tells me this is our year, truly, and we shouldn't let it go.

- Greenwithstyle  

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